Another Friday is coming.
It means, we have another DJ that is going to be sent to Home Shuh-Weat Home.
She is like a ninja assassin sent to an enemy’s castle.
So, far Ethan and Mountain Drew DJed there.
This time, Miss Charly H. is going to play some fine tunes for the first time as a Metropolis DJ.
She will be DJing from 8 to 11.
And it’s free before 11 to get in.
(After that, it will be $3)

Yep, this is Charly.
I was wondering what she would play. I have not asked her, but there is a chance she plays this. This song is from my memory of talking about bands in NYC and music we like at her collage radio show.
Then, Mr. Johnathan Toubin of New York Night Train will keep you dance!
(It’s a nice Damned t-shirt, by the way.)
Posted in Metropolis Presents
Tagged 3/25, beer, booze, Charly, Charly Himmel DJ, china town, dance, DJ, friday, happy hour, Himmel, home sweet home, Home sweet home happy hour, johnathan toubin, lower east side, lower eastside, Metropolis, new york, night, night out, night train, NY, party, power pop, punk, R&B, rock, sightseen, soul, soul clap, vintage, weekend
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