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As far as cool retro ’80s and ’90s shirt styles go, there’s no question that GUESS had a lock on the competition. The brand was initiated by the famed Georges Marciano, who came up with the name while sitting outside a McDonald’s in traffic. There was a billboard asking the consumer to GUESS which fast food giant had the best selling cheeseburger and the rest is history. Before long GUESS was one of the best selling clothing labels in the world so let that be a lesson that inspiration can be found anywhere! Vintage GUESS items, however, are getting sparse, so come down to METROPOLIS and have a look through our collection of GUESS T-Shirts, GUESS Sports Shirts. and GUESS Pants!
Posted in Metropolis, new york city vintage, Vintage News
Tagged #metropolisvintage, buy, Georges Marciano, guess, Metropolis, metropolisnycvintage, pants, sportsshirts, tshirts, vintage
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