Metropolis Vintage is honored to have our Christmas window captured by James & Karla Murray for their collection of the best East Village storefront windows this year! The Murrays have made their name photographing the changing face of NYC over the past few decades. Check out their photo books for some really cool, old world signage and remnants of old New York!

Here are some of our favorite Christmas window displays around Greenwich Village and the East Village, NYC this year. These are all from small independent businesses! #shopsmall We wish everyone a very happy holiday and a joyous New Year!
Across “the pond” they call them “jumpers”… here they are “Ugly Christmas Sweaters” and are big business…
Posted in Metropolis, new york city shop, new york city vintage, Shop News, Vintage News
Tagged #metropolisvintage, blog, christmas, display, eastvillage, jameskarlamurray, Metropolis, metropolisnycvintage, nycvintage, storefront, window, xmas
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