We have plenty of americana waiting for you here at Metropolis Vintage. Your favorite NASCAR T-Shirts, flag jackets, and lots of traditional treasures that are as american as apple pie.
We have plenty of americana waiting for you here at Metropolis Vintage. Your favorite NASCAR T-Shirts, flag jackets, and lots of traditional treasures that are as american as apple pie.
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Posted in Metropolis
Tagged #metropolisvintage, americana, americanflag, harley, Metropolis, metropolisnycvintage, nascar, racing, shirt, shirts, skoal, sports, tshirt
The wild world of HARLEY DAVIDSON T-Shirts of the ’90s are here at Metropolis Vintage. Cool biker and Harley shirts have always been riding the familiar road of american flags, eagles and cycle lore. Take a detour into the world of Harley shirts of the ’90s where you’ll find some new twists on the traditional styles. Yes, that is a tie-dye Harley shirt below. Saddle up!
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Posted in Metropolis, new york city shop
Tagged #metropolisvintage, 1990s, biker, buy, easy rider, easyvillage, harleydavidson, harleyshirt, Metropolis, metropolisnycvintage, motorcycle, NYC, online, rocker, shirt, shirts, tshirts, Y2K
Sometimes the simplest things are the hardest to find. You just want something plain and stripped-down. Something good for warm weather. Something like an old-school, plain, pocket t-shirt. Well, we at Metropolis Vintage have your back, as always, with a rackful of pocket tees in every color of the rainbow. Stop by and pick one up before spring hits!
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Posted in Metropolis, new york city shop
Tagged #metropolisvintage, eastvillage, Metropolis, metropolisnycvintage, NYC, plain, pocket, pockettee, pocketteeshirts, sale, shirts, tee, teeshirts, tshirts
Get a leg up on the competition when you score a pair of vintage jeans from Metropolis Vintage! We’ve got Levi’s and Lee, 501 and 505’s and beyond. Blue or black, faded or fresh, torn or rugged so take your pick. They’re all available at our location of 803 Broadway!
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Posted in Metropolis
Tagged #metropolisnyc, #metropolisvintage, 501, 505, denim, jeans, lee, levi, levis, Metropolis
First created by Levi Strauss in 1873 to serve as a rugged protective layer for prospectors and cowboys, the denim jacket has remained durable, dependable, and popular throughout the years. Don’t take our word for it – a Levis historian recently discovered a jacket dating back to the 1880’s in an abandoned Southern California ghost town. They’re simple, effective and cool, and apparently will even outlast their owner by a century or so. While we’ve got nothing going so far back as the 1880’s, METROPOLIS VINTAGE always has a stock of classic denim jackets waiting on the rack. If they’ve worked for Dennis Hopper and The Marlboro Man, they’ll certainly work for you!
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Posted in Metropolis, new york city shop, new york city vintage, Vintage News
Tagged #metropolisvintage, 1980's denim jackets, 1990's denim jacket, denim, denim jacket, dennis hopper, east village, east village vintage shops, fear of god denim jacket, jean jacket, kanye west denim jacket, kanye west style denim jacket, kanye west vintage denim jacket, lee denim jacket, levi denim, levi denim jacket, marlboro man, Metropolis, metropolisnycvintage, nyc vintage, nyc vintage shops, used levi jacket, vintage denim, vintage denim jacket, vintage denim jacket with patches, vintage jeans, vintage levi jacket
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