Author Archives: metropolisvintage

Black Denim – for Durable Delinquents only

A classic badass look – black denim! Good enough for Elvis Presley and Joey Ramone, then it’s certainly good enough for you. Rockabillies, punks, and rebels of all stripes have donned this durable, cool fabric for years. Here at METROPOLIS VINTAGE, you can find all kinds of denim from many eras and in all colors. Black denim – not just for delinquents anymore!

Kardashians invade Metropolis Vintage

It started with a black car pulling up and ended with a huge crowd of people blocked outside of the store.  Looks like Kim Kardashian and Kendall Jenner stopped in to Metropolis Vintage Tuesday night to have a look through our racks:

Kim Kardashian and Kendall Jenner shopping at Metropolis Vintage

Kim Kardashian and Kendall Jenner shopping at Metropolis Vintage

Perhaps it was an emergency?  As a YAHOO NEWS report was titled:

Kim Kardashian Goes Vintage Shopping with Kendall Jenner in a Totally Sheer Tank Top




Feel good in one of our vintage ’90s SILK SHIRTS!

If you want the ultimate in comfort AND style, come down to Metropolis Vintage and try on one of our luxurious early 1990’s silk shirts. If it looks like our model here is enjoying himself, you have no idea. We had to pry the poor man out of that silk, and then finally promise him we’d find more in his size.  As it stands, there’s a fine crop of colorful, soft silk shirts waiting here for you that don’t quite fit him.  They were a staple of early ’90s life, and now you can revive, relive and create new memories in one.  Nice and lightweight for the summer months!


METROPOLIS smoking hot MARLBORO JACKETS in The New York Post!


These Marlboro jackets have become more popular than we’d ever imagine. Just ask Niki Friedman, who told THE NEW YORK POST all about it.  So, if you want to nab one of these jackets OR for a significant smoker in your life, you’d better act fast!

A$AP ROCKY stopped in…

ASAP ROCKY at Metropolis Vintage by SkeletonBoyNYC


… just long enough to flip us the bird last weekend!