Overalls have come a long way from the cliche image of the farmer and the oil-stained on-duty mechanic! Though versions were used as early as 1792, overalls as we popularly know them (the “bib-and-brace” style) came into effect around 1891. After decades of hard work, the durable denim overall came into fashion, evolving from cornfed to cool. What once was protective gear for WWI-era mothers working in factories became a staple for the earth mother of the 1960’s and beyond. Even the ’90s found overalls being repopularized by Hip Hop artists such as Tupac and Kris Kross. Suddenly, they’re back. Once again, we here at METROPOLIS VINTAGE have anticipated the trend and have a wide selection of overalls for you, from the traditional dark denim variety, to the popular “Shortalls” or “Skirtalls” which have been cut into shorts or modified to become a dress. Perfect for summer wear in the country OR the city!
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