Tag Archives: vintage t shirt

SHAI Scores Vintage At METROPOLIS!


When he’s on the court, winning for Oklahoma City Thunder, SHAI knows there’s a certain way to dress. When he’s off the court, Shai knows just as well and finds the perfect outfit here at METROPOLIS VINTAGE. SGA swung by our store with his pal  Jalen Williams, found the precise items he was looking for with the same keen senses he uses during the game! Come back anytime!

Vintage TV and Movie T-Shirts From Throughout The Ages At METROPOLIS!


A treasure trove of classic, vintage TV show and movie T-Shirts await you here at Metropolis Vintage. Weird ’50s or 60’s TV shows, cult comedies, lots of horror, cartoons on television, or brought to life on the big screen. Travel through time, back to your youth or childhood favorites of yesteryear, then bring them home with you!

Vintage Car and Truck T-Shirts




Chloe Sevigny in a Metropolis Vintage Cramps Tshirt

We Love our Yelp!-ers! Thanks for the great review

We’re on Yelp!

We want to say thanks to those of you who have reviewed us! We appreciate all customer feedback and definitely read all of them… Here are a few recent ones! Haven’t reviewed us yet? Review us now HERE.