Tag Archives: NYC shopping

Vintage 1980’s dead stock sunglasses

Vintage 1980’s dead stock sunglasses

We just got in this group of dead stock 1980’s sunglasses. We have a good amount to last all summer but you never know when we will run out of certain styles.


Vintage Leather Military  SPATS

Wow take a look at these vintage leather spats(gaiters) that we have in our store “Military vintage surplus 1950’s leather.“Our Online Store“. Each spat that we have is a little different than all the other ones so you have to pick out the one that you like the best. We don’t have many of them so buy now because we might never get them in again.

Original BOY LONDON Cap

Wow check out The BOY LONDON cap we got in and it is for sale at our Etsy online shop!!

The Jigglers LOVE FEST Fashion Shoot

We asked The Jigglers to play our Metropolis LOVE Fest and SALE.
Here are some pictures of the band dressed up in clothing that you
get right here at Metropolis Vintage (Photographer: Nick Gazin)

Listen to The Jigglers


Kate Lanphear Rocks A Metropolis Vintage SLAYER T-shirt!

Watch out NYC… The unstoppable Kate Lanphear looks great in her recent purchase from Metropolis Vintage, a vintage Slayer T-shirt.  Come check out our huge, eclectic mix of rare and unique vintage T-shirts.  Open 7 days a week!