Friday May 20th White Mystery will be doing a instore show at METROPOLIS VINTAGE. The Chicago Duo will be showing all the vintage clothing shoppers why vintage and music goes together. Show will start at 6pm
Metro Search
Friday May 20th White Mystery will be doing a instore show at METROPOLIS VINTAGE. The Chicago Duo will be showing all the vintage clothing shoppers why vintage and music goes together. Show will start at 6pm
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Posted in Metropolis
Tagged alex white, metropolis fest 2, metropolis vintage, nobunny, white mystery, white mystery instore show
Jesse Malin been around The East village for a long time and I think he knows a bit about Vintage, so it was a great honor that he included us in his guide to the East Village and it is not to bad to be mentioned in the same sentence as ROBERT DENIRO. THANKS JESSE
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Posted in Metropolis
Tagged best vintage nyc, boots, d generation, East Village Shops, East village style, east village vintage shopping, Jesse malin, jesse malin music, jesse malin style, lacer boots, mean streets style, mens shoes, metropolis vintage, NYC shopping, robert deniro style, vintage fashion, Vintage Shops
We here Metropolis are always on the look out for what made the past interesting. Hands down BOY LONDON did make the fashion scene interesting in the 80’s. May be the Vanilla Ice look did not age well, but any thing that is on the head of Andy Warhol will always get our seal of approval here at Metropolis ENJOY!
[fgallery id=10 w=400 h=400 t=0 title=”BOYLONDON”]
Posted in Metropolis
Tagged andy warhol, best vintage nyc, boy london, boy london vintage tshirt, boy toy, east village, East Village Shops, madonna, Metropolis, metropolis vintage, NYC shopping, vintage boy london, Vintage T Shirts
It might not be the time for BOW ties now, but when your ready you can satisfy your BOW TIE fetish right here at METROPOLIS. We just got a big supply of Vintage Bow ties from the 50’s,60’s and 1970’s
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Posted in Metropolis
Tagged 1960's bow ties, 1970;s bow ties, antiques bow ties, best vintage nyc, bow ties, east village, east village vintage, Metropolis, metropolis vintage, Metropolis Vintage Apparel, New York City, new york city bow ties, NYC shopping, nyc vintage, vintage bow ties, vintage clipon bow ties, Vintage T Shirts
Wow take a look at these vintage leather spats(gaiters) that we have in our store “Military vintage surplus 1950’s leather.“Our Online Store“. Each spat that we have is a little different than all the other ones so you have to pick out the one that you like the best. We don’t have many of them so buy now because we might never get them in again.
Posted in Metropolis
Tagged best vintage nyc, boots, east village, East Village Shops, east village vintage, lacer boots, leather gaiters, leather spats, metropolis vintage, militarty spats, military gaiters, NYC shopping, st. marks vintage, steam punk, steam punk gaiters, steam punk spats, surplus spats, vintage boots, vintage gaiters, vintage leather spats, vintage militarty spats, vintage military gaiters, Vintage Shoes, vintage spats, vintage steam punk gaiters
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